Lately I’ve been thinking about how cura personalis is not only about doing but also a way of being in
the world. Back in the day, we used to talk a lot about “the care of souls.”
What this meant is that we tried to be mindful of the “Godfulness” of every
person who we met in our day. Lately, this way of being in the world, this way
of meeting every person in my day with awe and deep, reverential respect is
becoming very alive for me. When I meet my students, I see the beauty of their
characters, dreams, and spirits. When I meet the people in my apartment
building, I respect the wonder of their lives and their clear wisdom. When I
engage the sisters within my Franciscan community, I appreciate their inner joy,
carefree spirits and trusted friendship.
I guess that what I am saying is that we can be “women and
men for others” simply by opening our eyes moment by moment. As we meet each
other every day, let us understand that each person is the dwelling place of God—God
coming to us. If we open our eyes within our dorms, classrooms and departments,
we will certainly also see and serve the poor, lonely and disenfranchised in
our world.
Professor of Theology
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