Thursday, April 26, 2012

End of Year Reflection

Dear readers,

What an incredible year it has been for us in the Lieben Center for Women. For those of you who don’t know, this year alone we re-examined and changed our mission and vision statements while also creating 6 objectives used to ground our programming and our work out of the Lieben Center. We’ve also spent a lot of time focusing on making the L.C. more student-focused and student-run. The student staff group expanded from one student coordinator last year to 5 student staff members, including 3 interns. The work of these students has been incredible, and we’re growing.

But looking at the blog posts throughout the semester – from incredible students, staff and faculty across campus, I can’t help but see how much more we could be and should be doing at Creighton. And in focusing on students, go back and read about their passions. They are inspiring and have each shaped campus in their own ways and through their own purposes.

From Jordan who provides a strong argument for not just what feminists are, but clarifying what feminists aren’t. To Liz who frames the importance of having dialogue and being willing and honest with yourself about talking about things that need to be talked about and not to shy away from it.

Anne shared about the importance of positivity and the role that has played in helping her live life and Audri talks about the importance of finding her real roots and “undoing the mechanization of life”.

Sabrina spoke of the passion to express that life is more than just what goes on your resume, but the other experiences in our life that are just as important, if not more, in taking pride in. And Jess described the importance of the true experience of reading a real, tangible, paper book and the way the experience can shape you.

Jocelyn reflected how her service trip reminders her of the importance of living in solidarity with those who suffer. Elizabeth articulated the importance of the relationships she’s built here at Creighton and how much they have shaped her time at Creighton.

Lauren wrote of her passion for the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure and sharing the importance and symbol of each step she takes for those who died and the hope for those in the future. And Megan shared the importance of not dwelling on fear but embracing them for never knowing what will come of those experiences.

These are only a part of the story of 10 incredible women out of the hundreds on our campus who have been shaped by Creighton and have incredible stories and wisdom to share because of it. Just think of what would happen if we took the time to ask each other about our stories, about what gives us a sense of purpose, about how we’ve grown.

As the year closes, I encourage you to step into these stories and step into your own. Reflect on your growth and your sense of direction and ask others to share with you their journeys. You will never be disappointed by hearing the strength, accomplishments, and capacity for each of us to do incredible things in our life, no batter big or small. It all starts with just asking.


Lori Durako
Director, Lieben Center for Women
Deglman Hall Resident Director

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