As a partner/spouse, a mother, and a professional committed to students and to learning, I often find my days to be more hectic and full than I had planned on them being. My days begin well before sunrise and often go well into the evening, but I thrive on the people that surround me every day at Creighton. And I have found that it is when I pause for a moment and make the time to be present with the people that surround me every day, I find my inspiration.
Arriving at Creighton in 1997, I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be here 15 years later. But I have to admit that I am smitten by Creighton. We are blessed to have a rich tradition that was inspired by the Creightons, specifically the Wareham sisters, Mary Lucretia and Sarah Emily. We all are the daily benefactors of their generosity. Inspired by a vision and blessed with the means, these sisters were instruments of the founding of Creighton University, CUMC and St. John's Church. Throughout the past 130 plus year, the idea of Creighton has flourished and served many.
Doubly blessed, Creighton was started in 1878 by the Jesuits at the request of Bishop James O’Connor. The Jesuits brought with them a rich tradition and values that still guide our community today. As members of the Creighton community, we are inspired by the Ignatian tradition, and have many reminders of how we are all called to share our gifts and talents for the Greater Glory of God.
My inspiration comes from the people in the Creighton community that share freely of their gifts and talents every single day, and most often without even knowing how much they lift my spirits. That being said, there are a few special women that I want to salute in this post because they are the people that make Creighton special to me.
Almost every morning when I arrive at the Harper Center, I have the distinct pleasure of being greeted by Doris. Her gentle spirit and warm heart are easily felt by all who take a moment to greet her as she works to keep the Harper Center clean and inviting for all who enter. She knows me and cares about me. Always making sure I’m taking care of myself. Another person that goes above and beyond to care for others in our community is Erica. She works many hours with Sodexo while raising a beautiful family. Erica shares her hope for the future with me while opening doors of opportunity for her children by teaching them the value of an education. My interactions with these two beautiful women remind me of humanity and give me hope for the future.
There is trio of women that mean the world to me. They are my calm in the storm and often serve as the cornerstone to a fast-pace, dynamic work environment. Sarah, Joan and Cheryl, operate in a stealth-like mode, quick to swoop in to save the day and then they quietly go about their day without the expectation of thanks or recognition. They exemplify the true spirit of Creighton by their words and by their actions. Their mission is to serve others and they do it very well.
Finally, there is another trio of women that I am privileged to know. Michele, Desiree and Allison were the masterminds of this year’s Women’s Summit and amazing leaders with a vision to improve the status of women at Creighton. I am inspired to be more because of these amazing ladies. Their labor of love for the Creighton community was the 3rd annual Women’s Summit, Inspire, Influence, and Innovate. Resulting from their vision, hard work and dedication, these women demonstrate the Jesuit value of contemplatives in action and their thoughtful vision is challenging the Creighton University community to be the best it can be.
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